Thursday, September 3, 2009

Essential French Phrases

The boyfriend reminded me today that I should start studying up on my French, so I did some internet searches for useful French phrases. And the heavens smiled down on me because I found this website, which is bound to help my retention rate. Behold some truly useful phrases:

"You've put on weight"
"Tu as grossi"
(tu ah gro - si)

"Are you drunk?"
"Est-ce que vous êtes ivre?"
(es - ke voo zet eevr)

"You're a complete moron"
"Tu es completement debile"
(tu eh com - plet - e - men de - beel)

 "You get on my nerves"
"Tu me peles le jonc"
(tu me pel - e le zhonc)

"I'd help you, but I don't like you."
"Je vous aurais bien aide, mais je ne vous aime pas."
(zhe voo zaw - ray bien ai - de may zhe ne voo zaim - e pah)

"Do it yourself."
"Faites-le vous-même"
(fay - teh le voo mehm)

"Stop bothering me!"
"Parle à mon cul, ma tête est malade"
(parl a mon cul, ma teht eh ma - lahd)

"It could be quite nice if it were decorated with taste."
"Ça pourrait être joli si c'etait décoré avec goût"
(sa poo - ray etr zho - li si se - tay de - cor - ay avec gu)

Now admittedly it may not seem desirable to be bitchy in two languages, but how else will I be able to express myself? "Bonjour. Comment t'allez vous" is just not going to cut it.

1 comment:

Josephina said...

i love how the "stop bothering me!" translation means literally "talk to my butt, my head is sick" lol!