Monday, September 21, 2009

French Cuisine

It has been about a month since I have arrived in Paris, and I have done little to no cooking since I have been here. Why bother when breakfast consists of a baguette, butter, fruit, and yogurt? For dinner, we either go out to eat, order pizza, or buy food that doesn't require much more than heating it up. If anything, my laziness has been continually rewarded as everything has been delicious.

But, I am finally taking the plunge, and intend to start making dinner from scratch. Since ingredients are different here, I cannot make what I would cook in California, so I have spent some time on the internet compiling recipes that a novice like myself should be able to handle, for which the blog has been invaluable.

Tonight, after going out to dinner (Japanese), we will go to Monoprix and buy ingredients. Let's hope that I can convert grams to ounces and pounds successfully. I am not to worried though, so far it seems that French cooking is surprisingly simple. It is the presentation that makes the food look so complicated. Nonetheless, wish me luck!

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